When most stay away from wallpaper, we run to it! Wallpaper is a great way to add some MAJOR personality to a room. It can be funky, unexpected, and most importantly, a statement. You can say it packs a major punch to the tone of any room you use it in with pattern, texture, and color.
Here are ten ways we used wallpaper to add some magic to our recent projects! Soon your home design love language will be wallpaper too.
ONE: Layered and embroidered, details to make you swoon.
TWO: Supporting artists is very important to us, this custom wallpaper mural featuring an artistβs work is a talking piece.
THREE: Wallpaper on the ceiling? Yes, yes, yes!
FOUR: Hand-painted details make this wallpaper interesting and a piece of art!
FIVE: No monkey-ing around about it - we love wallpaper! Even more when our clients allow us to get whimsical with it!
SIX: A bold entry - let's do that again!
SEVEN: Sweet dreams and moody colors balance the blush and teals.
EIGHT: Grasscloth is a classic. Now let's make it more fun with blush pink and pair it with a green patterned ceiling.
NINE: A garden party or a formal living room?
TEN: Modern and soft on the eyes, this textured wallpaper is so pretty!