"Transitional" -- what exactly does this term mean? Especially, when describing interior design. Transitional style design, usually means that you have characteristics of both modern and traditional in your space. You kind of fall in that even middle ground between both styles.  

For this dining room, our client was just that. However, she wasn't aware of it. She was trying to pair multiple traditional elements together, but it left her feeling unhappy. The space was feeling dark, filled with heavy furniture and nothing was popping or even uplifting. She knew she liked to mix patterns and textures, but was also unsure of how to achieve that.  

As I looked around her home, I realized that their art collection definitely leaned more on the modern and colorful side of the spectrum. This was a big indicator to me, she wasn't fully traditional at all, she was more transitional! That was my que, and we got to work and this is the result:


A beautiful monochromatic wallpaper pattern on the wall really set the room off, the ceiling is finished with a lovely blue-ish grasscloth featuring an intertwined golden metallic. When the sun hits it just right, it sparkles ever so gently, slightly mimicking the salt water just outdoors.  

A little bit of ikat, a healthy dose of stripe, paired with geometric and zig-zag and finished with a dash of damask. This makes for a stimulating balance of pattern and color. The eye gracefully travels throughout the dining room touching each element.  

And of course, you know me, we must talk about the chandelier! This particular chandelier is a fun choice, it dances gently above the dining table. It is reminiscent of a handcrafted bracelet, something that would adorn the wrist as a statement piece, this chandelier does the same over the table. 

Overall, I am so pleased with how this dining room turned out! Wait until you see with the way we transformed a few of the adjoining spaces throughout the residence.  

How do you feel? Would you love a dining room mixed with so many patterns and textures? 

 All Photography by Native House Photography

INSPIRATION: Rooms for Lovers

Well, it is almost here -- Valentine's Day. Some people go all out, some people stay in, whatever your Valentine's Day traditions, here are some rooms for lovers -- to dine in. So sit back, enjoy some wine and tasty treats...

Valentine's Day or not, I feel like all these beautiful spaces are worth a visit year round. Their individual interior design definitely elevates the experience! What do you think? Have you been to any of these spaces yourself? Or do you have a favorite place for Valentine's Day?

Most importantly, have a happy one!
