You’ve cleared the clutter and made way for the things that “bring joy” now what?

We’ve all done it (or half way have). We have all been suckered into the wave that Marie Kondo has created. We’ve maybe folded our clothes into little “sushi” rolls; we’ve lined our drawers with pretty paper and cute little organizers; we’ve cleared our house of all the things that do not spark joy. Heck, I’ve even opened up about my personal Marie Kondo experience on Forbes.

So. Now what to do with all the things we kept that do spark joy? You know, the book collection, the trinkets from travel, and maybe that huge jewelry collection. Because, while her advice is to let go a lot of those items, I politely disagree. I feel that certain objects we collect over time do earn their places in our environments. However, it’s our job to display them proudly and happily - to promote, well you know: more joy.

So here are my thoughts on what do to with all those items, this will ease both sides of the spectrum for you, making your craving for a Marie Kondo perfect space align with that well curated collection you just can’t seem to part with.


Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

Perhaps you have a collection of study books from that education you worked so hard to get. You can artfully display them amongst other collectables that bring you joy. Think outside of the box - art in frames (this is a great area to rotate all that lovely school art your kids bring home!), beautiful vases or gifted items. A nice balance of saturated and negative space is key to not making the shelves look cluttered. Every square inch doesn’t have to be covered, try to let it flow naturally!


Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

It’s no surprise by now that I am a fan of a good gallery wall. Right? Okay, well if you didn’t know that, now you do - it’s kind of my jam.

However, the importance of a gallery wall is to not feel forced. Don’t go to your closest Hobby Lobby and try to find any old thing to shove in those spaces. All the quotes and monogrammed things in the world will not give it that carefully curated vibe you are hoping to achieve.

Allow your gallery wall to have breathing room and grow over time. Let things mismatch a bit. Fill it with things that mean something, and I promise that wall will bring you joy.


Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

When we started working with this client, I will admit, I was a little overwhelmed with her amazing collection of precious pottery, figurines, art deco beauties, books and a growing record collection. I quickly got over that fear, when I changed my mindset and instead of trying to fit all of these beautiful objects in all over her home - why not make a specific place for them to be displayed proudly and adored?

So we got to work designing a custom corner unit with our talented carpenter. What would have been an average dining area (that our client expressed she would never use) transformed into a “music lounge” area. A place to enjoy a glass of wine, chat with friends, listen to records and talk about her collections she has lovingly selected over time.

Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography


Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

Think outside of the book shelf with how you display your collections. Finding a beautiful piece of furniture with detailed fronts is a great way to organize your books (or other objects), without having them be the center focus of the room. Layer your art and collectables to live beautifully with each other, once again allowing your collections to grow and change with time.

Lisa Gilmore Design | Seamus Payne Photography

I think by now you can sort of see the pattern here. It’s all about decorating with intention. Styling the objects you want to talk about, tell the stories of how you found them, or just simply smile when you see them. Your collection can be anything that pulls at your heart strings - that is the whole point of living with items that spark joy.

Now go ahead and fearlessly think of how you want to incorporate those special items into your daily environment!